Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Hitch-hiking ghost at the Entrance NSW

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This one I have heard many stories about before I read it anywhere on the internet.
I used to be into cars etc, and of a weekend we all used to park down the Entrance and sometimes go for drives up and down the stretch of road of a night for a break up of the monotony.
I have never seen this ghost or had anything happen. But PLENTY of my friends have, even police officers have stories of things they have witnessed.

The story.. so I was told back then... was back in the 60's a girl was hitch-hiking home from some place (as public transport this way is bad now, let alone back then), and was picked up by a group of guys along the road you see above
Apparently they raped and killed her and left her by the road up towards Norah Head.
She is said to be seen via your review mirror sitting in the back seat.

There are variations of the story ie: she is looking for her killers... she is looking for her packet of cigarettes in the console.. you know all different themes.
But the story is usually always the same, people will turn around and see a girl sitting in the back seat of their car.

This was over 10 years ago and I hope by now that she has found peace.

IN the local paper from October last year there was a story about a local guy that was going to film a movie based on this story.
Which you can read HERE

There are also some comments below, which are as follows:

Paul writes:
Posted on 19 Jan 10 at 10:41pm
A few years back when we were younger my wife and I and a few friends were at Norah Head Lighthouse. My wife turned to me and said there is someone watching us from the bush. I turned to see a white silhouette which seemed to be a young lady and very light on her feet. When the silhouette slowly moved towards us we all jumped in the car and took off. I was the only one to turn around to see if anyone was still there but there was no one in sight. We still talk about that night often and wonder if we should of stayed and approached the young lady.

I just found another web page where they tell the story proper and what happened in more detail.
The page can be found HERE

The proper story!

Over the past four decades rumours have circulated intermittently about ghostly appearances in the vicinity of Noraville Cemetery, Jenny Dixon Beach, and a section of Wilfred Barrett Drive on the NSW Central Coast – Australia.
One story, set in the 1950’s, tells of a teenage girl walking home from work. During her walk, she was attacked and raped by five youths. She was later found barely alive, but died as a result of her injuries. On her death bed, she told her father she wouldn’t rest until her attackers were found and punished.
Police never charged anyone with the rape and murder, but five youths, who were frequently in each others company, committed suicide under bizarre circumstances during the following years.
The first ghostly sighting was reported not far from the cemetery shortly after the girl’s burial. The sightings continued with her grave appearing to be disturbed after each of them.
It was shortly after the sightings that the first youth hung himself after complaining of continual haunting by a spirit.
A second youth died after being involved in a car accident. He claimed someone walked in front of his car – but witnesses saw no-one.
A third youth drove his car off a cliff after complaining that an apparition had been taunting him.
The bizarre twist continued when a fourth youth picked up a hitchhiker on Wilfred Barrett Drive. By the time he had reached Noraville Road, the girl had disappeared. He reported the incident, but became a laughing stock, and began showing signs of madness. He later ran his car over an embankment on the Pacific Highway and died.
A similar scenario was in store for a fifth youth. He had complained to his sister of being ‘continually haunted.’ He later left the district to work for a circus and tried to escape the haunting – but it followed him.
He complained of ‘seeing things’ day and night and later ended the nightmare by taking his own life with a shotgun.
The ghostly sightings though, hadn’t disappeared. A large group of youths were camped by a fire on Jenny Dixon Beach soon after the suicide. Each of them told of seeing a pretty young lady walking towards their fire in a flowing white dress.

Replied by coastalkids on 25-Oct-2009 16:53 (Ref 1960444)

Some scattered in fright of the ghostly sight, others sat petrified with shock as the figure walked through the crowd and disappeared.
The grave of the murdered girl has never been disturbed since that last sighting.
The ghostly story made headlines again when a visiting doctor picked up a hitchhiker on Wilfred Barrett Drive while holidaying in the area. He knew nothing of the local legend. He told police the hitchhiker disappeared as he approached Noraville Road and later sought psychiatric counselling.
Today, stories of silent spirits still circulate around the Noraville area. Even two police officers told of picking up a hitchhiker on Wilfred Barrett Drive during the early hours of the morning. Again the young female had disappeared upon reaching Noraville cemetery.
The girl’s murder still remains unsolved.


The movie that was made, their website says:

Jenny Dixon Beach is an Australian thriller/horror genre feature film, which is based on actual events that have happened on the Central Coast of NSW. The story revolves around a young school girl who was abducted by car full of youth's along a stretch of road at Noraville NSW. It is said the poor girl was brutally raped, bashed and left for dead at a local reserve at Jenny Dixon Beach. After the poor girls death, the four youth's all claimed to be haunted by the girls ghost, and have since turned up dead one by one. Local Police have also had countless reports about a hitch hiking ghost along that stretch of road. It is a fact that the written Police reports have run into the hundreds by both locals and holiday makers alike. Over half of the Local Police have also reported to have seen the young ladies apparition. It is said that she will never rest... Jenny Dixon Beach goes into production Oct 2009.

I was trying to find statistics for accidents that happen on this road, but can't... ok I need a nap hehe
But I can honestly say that there was at least one, most weekends, sometimes more, mostly bad (it is a dark road, no street lights and 100k's) well was back then.
My friend also drove a tow truck and they were usually never far from this road, because of all the accidents.
Are some of them maybe related to this poor ghost girl? You know a whole lot of people are scared to report experiences like that for fear of ridicule and people would think they were crazy.

So just think about how many stories there are of experiences and then add all those that are too frightened to say anything about it?

With so many stories , first hand out there, even from people I knew, and seeing the terror they still had after it... I believe this one :)

EDIT 9-3-10:

I saw this story while researching the first time and thanks to Abbie, I remembered and am now adding it.
Apparently a young girl is also seem wandering the beach sometimes and there are stories also that she may be the Captain's wife from the Ship The Esperenza, that was shipwrecked.

Through the years Edward gave assistance to many shipwrecked sailors. He also had to bury some as they were washed ashore (Anna Maria, 1857).
Several years ago a story by the Sun media group spoke of a female apparition, wearing a long white flowing dress, who haunted the Norah Head area. Locals called her the Ghost of Jenny Dixon as many sightings of her were made at night along the stretch of beach known as Jenny Dixon.
Stories of her sighting came from locals and tourists alike. A doctor from Victoria told police he was about to pick up the woman in white but she vanished as he stopped beside her.
Another sighting of her was in the spring of 1990, when she spooked a group of teenagers who were camped on the beach. The spokesperson for the group said the woman was wearing a long white gown.
There were several theories as to who the woman was. In 1950 two young sisters were bashed to death on a walking trip to the lighthouse. Their bodies were found in a swamp known as the ``jungle". Another story talks of a local teenager who was raped and murdered in the 1950s. There was also the thought that she was the captain's wife from the Esperanza.

The full story/page can be read here: Seaside Spectres

Does anyone have the name of the girl in said story? So the readers and I know whether the rape story is actually true and have a base to look?

EDIT 17/07/2010
Just a couple more reference pages where the girl is soken of again. Wouldn't it be great if someone could actually remeber her name, kinda sad that this girl wanders, yet no-one knows her name.

Unexplained mysteries forum discussion
Hub page by Mark Hall 

Just re-posting from the comments section, as it is interesting and also a "pleas help", but it really helps us all interested in this topic :)
Thanks so much to Jason for the extra info, every little bit of information goes into the greater picture, knowing that even truckies avoid and know about or even seen!!

hiya.im a bus driver in the area.ive never seen her,as all our late nite runs go through noraville.i always hear school kids talking bout her.i looked heaps on the net for her,not much out there,and the truckies do avoid wilfred barret drive at night,apparantly she plays chicken with them,mainly on wed night.
hi.i tried to find some more stuff on jenny dixon.as we all know thats not her acrual name.can someone please find this out,please?id also be interested driving that stretch at night with anyone curious on the subject.i spoke to some more truckies from linfox,toll,and even richers transport from qld wont use that road at night.they claim apart from playing chicken this ghost appears on the centre line of the road.just stands there.i kno a truckie that quit due to this.any more info greatly appreciated.just for the record,the truckies i spoke to are all clean,no drugs or booze
Edit: 4-3-2011 cross posted from comments - Thankyou Hannah :)
Lately my friends and I have been driving up and down the strip alot to see if we can see her.
kind of bad but we've been trying to stir her up by abusive music and the boys have been going nuts calling her names.
Not sure if i seen her or not but both my mate and I saw a white silouette in the far distance along that road. We also took many pictures to see if we could see anything but nothing though at one stage I got a cold shiver and my friend who was driving look in the review mirror and screamed. She said she saw something sitting in the middle seat next to me. I know she wouldnt lie especially with the state of fear she was in.
I started to not believe in it but the same girl that saw her, her boyfriend had some weird fit going down that strip and aparantly ended up with weird scratches on his arm :S

Thats my experience with wilfred barrat drive. My friends and I are still on the hunt so I'll keep posted if I know or see anymore.

EDIT: 14-12-2014
From comments, thank you so much Thomas, I cried while reading your comment but to put a face to the stories enables us to say a prayer/thought - send love. Thank you so much again. so so so very sad the ray of light is the headstones, beautiful people to care.
I Believe the name of this alleged ghost was Grace Holmes aged 18. She was Murdered while her younger sister Cathrine Holmes aged 11 was molested and murdered. they were on walk to Nora head. On their way home they were attacked.

Grace as she lay dying from be bludgeoned must of heard her younger sister crying as she was being raped and murdered. The Murdered was caught however due to an terrible incompetent police investigation the case against the Murderer fell apart at the time of the trial. Where the killer was acquitted.

The ghost is if there is one is most likely Grace trying in spirit to get help and catch her killer.

The double murder was stain on the central coast in the 1950's and the investigation into crime was embarrassment to the NSW Police force and criminal justice system.

Over time the memory of this tragic affair became almost urban legend.

As of 2014 the 2 girls after 64 year finally are getting headstone by donations of the general public. In responses to family that suffered terribly the loss of their daughters and sisters. Today the one surviving family member of the victims still alive in his 80's still puts flowers on their graves.
 Just a quick thankyou again.
I hope to post more experiences up here as I get them. You are even welcome to email me and I will put it up here privatly if you wish :)

Ghost story

Ghosts can anyone help??? what is this?

Ok my parents home is not that old maybe built in 92 it is a modular in SC and is sorta out there we have two neighbors. My fiance and I are going to soon be renting the home in march the house has always had a weird feeling especially in my old room which will now be my step sons room.

It always felt like someone was watching you in the corner of the room late at night but not a bad vibe just an odd feeling of being watched. Lately my parents and 18 year old brother have all had experiences of seeing a 6 Foot shadows like man out the corner of their eye...

They say you feel someone watching you and when you look over it vanishes across the dining room real fast. I personally have never seen anything but have felt as if someone was watching from a distance. I do not think this presence is evil though... maybe curious? not sure.

Odd things have always happened in my family over the years and we have lived in many different houses. so i am wondering if we have something following us.... maybe?

Anyways my mom says she was at the computer the other night and she felt something looking at her and looked over and it quickly walked past the chair in the other living room like a shadow.. then she later heard a hissing sound twice... so she went to bed...

This is long and im sorry but just wondering what this could be a ghost? what sorta ghost only appears as a shadow? and why does it quickly vanish?? we also always have a ton of orbs in out home photos?? is that energy?? thanks for the answers :)

Someone did ask if anyone in our family had played the Ouija board and yes when i was younger we did messing around. Also we had this old abandoned house in my family my mom took some really old heirlooms out i dunno if this has anything to do with our haunting?
  • 10 hours ago
  • - 4 days left to answer.

Additional Details

yea i do watch that show.... but its just hard to believe when its happening to you.

10 hours ago

If you have answer please go HERE for your input :)

Deceased wife helped man win a UK lottery

This is just the sweetest story!

But on Saturday morning after he realised they had scooped the jackpot, something very strange happened.

He explained: “She believed in ghosts and was very psychic. After we knew we had won, I went to bed and said ‘thank you’ to the crystals and they went mad, dancing in the light.

“She loved the children and she will be so happy that they are all taken care of. She will have a big grin on her face. Maureen had some hand in this.”

You can click on the text to be taken to the source and all the story :)

A couple of ghost stories from people

Here is a ghost story, with a couple more from the comments.

They all can be seen HERE, with hopefully some more people telling theirs :)

I don’t know whether to believe in ghosts, although, I have seen two, and had 1 kind of ‘poltergeist’ ghostly experience on a different occasion when I was about 11years old, at my parents house, and the poltergeist when I lived in a very old house which turned out to be built on top of a nun’s chapel (no kidding!).
The first one, I saw late one night when I opened my bedroom door to go the toilet and was literally ‘frozen to the floor’ in fear, as I saw a black mass float up the stairs. I don’t know what to believe really, I’m slightly sceptical about these things, but I know what I saw. It floated up the stairs and as it reached the top, all I could do was close my eyes, and when I opened them again, it had vanished!?
The second ghostly experience, was a bit unusual because I ’slept walked’ (the only time, thank god!). I walked downstairs and opened the living room door to the pitch black room, and saw a ghostly ‘white’ man on a rocking chair turn to look at me.
The third time, was when I lived in a very old house, and strange occurrences happened over a number of weeks.
I always kept the toilet light on/toilet seat down. But when I woke the next day, the light would be off and toilet seat up!! I thought I was going mad! but after three or four times this happened, I realised it was something else, and thought, here we go again!!!
When I was in bed, I always thought I saw a dark shadow walk in the room, but didn’t want to think about it.
The most horrible thing then happened which scared right out. I was sitting in my living room, and the living room door (leading onto the toilet and bedroom), was slightly closed but not shut. I was reading something and the tv was off. Next thing I hear is the most loudest and extremely fast banging on the living room door almost like a drum roll). It sounded as if someone on the other side was banging on the door. I looked up and thought, Oh S***!!! and after a few moments thought, I’m going to have to go open that door, which I did, but nothing was there (thank god!). No-one could have made that noise. I called out and said the Lords Prayer, and heard nothing again.
That’s my own experiences with ghosts. Loads of strange things have happened to me, and I’m a very spiritual person, believing in God and Angels that watch over us.
Whats your story?

Several years ago I had an unusual experience concerning an uncle, a distant relative who lived over a thousand miles away.
While driving my car I suddenly felt the unmistakable presence of this relative that I hardly even knew. He was more like someone I had heard about than someone I knew. It was very strange; it felt as though I was momentarily lifted right out of my physical body. I seemed to be suspended somehow beyond space and time, bathed in a love so intense It felt like I could have just disappear into it at any moment if It would have let me. It only lasted for a few seconds, but it seemed to last forever at the same time. I realize how crazy this must sound. The experience was so strong that at first I was afraid I was loosing my grip on reality. I finally managed to chalk it up to an over active imagination.
Three days later I got a call from my aunt telling me that this uncle we are talking about had gone into a coma and died the day I had the experience. It felt like ice water had been poured down my back when she told me this. I had lost any real ideas of God or faith and had become somewhat of an atheist. Needless to say this experience caused me to rethink some of the conclusions I had come to.
Yea, when I was about 5 i saw this black shadow person, all sketchy-like with these very red eyes on my mothers back. It was scratching at her neck, i told her something was on her back she said don’t be ridiculous. But when I told her it was clawing at her neck it jerked it’s down towards me and hissed and scratched towards me like it was trying to hit me, so I HIGH tailed it outta there lol. It really freaked me out though 0.0 it looked like this http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_S7VnD0PV1GY/Rx… but with red eyes. And more humanoid in shape. But since I am Raelian I don’t believe in ghosts, spirits, or souls anymore.

Are they Ghosts? Photographer asking for comments

Please click on the picture to be taken to the web page and story.
The taker of the photo asks:
Ghosts? Trick of the light? Some kind of double exposure? Click the photo to view a large version, and tell us what you think it might be in the comments box below.
Tell him what you think via the original page :)

I think it is a pretty dam good picture, I mean you can see like feet and boots, if it is fake or just shadows, I don't know what of (see a daylight picture) :)

EDIT: I was going to do a separate post on a little history and follow up of any related activity and upon searching I have found that someone already has.
It's silly to do it twice :)

American Torchwood

I only know of a few shows that they have tried to re-make American style, or for the American audience and those have failed, miserably.
*cough* Life on Mars *cough* Kath and Kim *cough* Ab Fab *cough*The Office... you get the idea...
Why do they keep trying? surely there are plenty of other premises to base TV shows on and keep them original and leave the shows alone.

They think that Torchwood fans can take comfort in knowing:

Unlike U.S. adaptations that have gone awry, "Torchwood" fans can take comfort that the original producing team is on board, led by series creator Russell Davies who is writing the script. The U.S. version will contain a global story line compared to the more localized sensibility of the BBC version.

Also, some of the current cast -- most likely John Barrowman, who plays the immortal Capt. Jack Harkness -- might star if the script leads to a pilot order.

Personally I don't care. The show is what it is because of the great mix of characters, they could maybe replace 1 or even two but the majority of the team AND an international location... nope won't work.
Why not just use the same team and have them go international... even though it is a little bit crazy to think this tiny team can police the whole world with all the implied activity and comings and goings there is supposed to be.

But then I could be bias, I really like Torchwood as it is, it works... as it is.
Why fix something when it does not need fixing ? :(

Life imitating a blanket or a blanket imitating life?

This is easy to class as nothing at all, but well... as you can see by now, I don't discount anything, am thankful for everything, and wonder or try and learn all :) (as much as I am supposed to anyway) hehe

I thought this was kind of neat, I have been meaning to make a quick post about it every week when I wash the blanket but forget by the time I sort and put away the washing.

I didn't buy my babys (cats) pet beds as they sleep in and on the end of our bed anyway, and well they just take too long to dry when you wash them.
Yes there are lots of clean animal owners out there :P
So we use "cuddle blankies", just soft fleecy or minky throw blankets that I fluff into a little pet bed.

Anyway, a long time before we got my boy kitty, we were in one of our "must spend money" shopping days when I came across this blanket.
I wanted something just as a throw for watching movies and getting snuggly without the bulk and all I could find was this blanket.
It was a reluctant choice, well there were no others with cats on them and it was cheap so we got it.

Fast forward 2 years later it is a cat blanket for for our kitty girl, then we find out that we are allowed another cat and we get our kitty boy.

And what I only noticed maybe 3-4 months after getting our kitty boy was that the design on the blanket looks like it IS our very own kitty boy.

Well as you can imagine I love the blanket now, after all, it has my baby printed on it :P hehe

What do you think was it life ( having to settle for this blanket) imitating life ( ending up being able to get another cat , a friend for our kitty girl, and ending up with with our kitty boy , from ours friends cats litter?
Was it an omen or someone trying to tell us something hehe

Tale of a haunted bed

I had to add this story, not only because it was written by someone known, but also because I am a firm believer in things and people being "haunted", or like I say... followed.

Tale of the haunted bed

One Saturday when I was a teenager, the contents of an old farmhouse down the road from ours were auctioned. My older sister, Martha, spied an antique bedroom suite and convinced my father to go down and bid on it.

I had no bedroom furniture at the time, only a bed frame and mattress set with a chest freezer for a headboard -- which was not a bad arrangement during the heat of summer.

I could reach above my head to lift the freezer lid and let it fall, sending a refreshing puff of cold air across my person. Mine was the only room in the house with air conditioning.

But after that day at the auction, I began sleeping in a real bed. It's a high and handsome 19th century antique with oak-panel headboard and footboard and a matching dresser.

Martha later tried to take possession of the suite. It was she, after all, who found it and convinced our dad to buy it. But I claimed squatter's rights and took it with me when I moved out.

How was I supposed to know it was haunted?

There was at least one early clue before I left home. Facing off one side of the bed during an afternoon nap, I felt someone lie down behind me.

I opened my eyes so frozen with fear that I could not roll over to see who it was. I convinced myself it was Grandma Walters, who had recently died.

Finally, I pulled myself off the bed and stumbled into the kitchen, where I breathlessly told my mother that her mother might have just visited me from the hereafter.

"Well, if she did," Mom laughed, "you needn't be afraid. She'd never come here to hurt you."

Fast-forward nearly 30 years. My 9-year-old daughter, Carly Grace, has been sleeping on said bed for most of her life.

For the rest of the story, please click on the text to be taken to source :)

Monday, January 18, 2010

Footage of doors and cupboards moving

The beginning doesn't look too exciting, but from around 4m on there is some pretty cool footage!

How do I tell an Orb from dust?

adjusted light and enlarged to see pattern on dust

original, please click on picture to be taken to original and larger version.

This is only the small version, as I encourage following through to the site.

The guy that took the pic kicked up some dust and took a picture for a reference point.

There are many comments under the picture but I like this one best:

From what I have always been lead to believe, dust usually has rings or lines in it (like the ones you see in the photo) whereas Orbs are usually colored, bright and often solid. Of course, there have been arguments for years on this subject, haven't there?LOL!
To me, I generally take the feeling I have, also into consideration when capturing, and also, from general observations, that when it is dust or rain or fog, there are generally a whole lot around (when taken with a flash), where singular ones, or orbs taken without flash..which really means they they light themselves....

Either way I thought this was good reference material :)

Tila Who?

I don't know who this this girl is but there were many many places reporting her latest tweet.

I know this is just for a laugh material, but it was out there so I thought I would add it to the Celeb file :)

"But my reports back to God are usually disappointing with how Mankind is quickly sinking into the mud and hypnotized by the Devil."

Turning her focus to humanity she says, "I know how the world will end, and yes, it will end."

"Not in the way you all think it is, but it will end. Im just the Messenger."

I have nothing for this post.. just the post *giggle*

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Spiral UFO's in NZ and world teachers?

I have this in my list of "things to be blogged about" so they story is a little old. It came to my attention because of the Norway spiral, that thing totally was cool!

The New Zealand newspaper article says that apparently there have been a few spirals over NZ as well.
In New Zealand, there have been three sightings, with photographs to document them. The first was in the upper North Island on February 17, which was followed by sightings in Cambridge and Auckland in April.

I wish that the photographs were attached to the story.

Apparently, via Share International there is going to be a world teacher come forth and help us with how to do things better.

As you can prolly tell by now I like all these kinds of things.. anything different no matter how kooky it sounds.
This foundation labels the Norway Spiral as The Star, which is supposed to herald the coming of the world teacher.
They have a few videos, which I didn't watch again but you can go here to see them:
Video recordings about the 'Star'

What do you think? I couldn't be bothered reading too much into it. :)

Just a Music post

There is nothing paranormal about this, but I thought I would post it here because the sound of a harpsichord just goes with the theme I think.

I love it!! It's like taking a peek into the past.. it's just such a happy mischievous sound.. ok too much text.. more Music! :)

Alien Abduction video--- read the comments

I will just give a link to this page.

Alien Abduction Part One

You know, plenty, plenty strange things happen to me, but I don't think I am special, or different, or anything.. I just am.
I didn't watch the video, I will one day, but can't be bothered today.
What really got me was the comments. I am first to be open minded, totally... just because we don't know, does not mean it is not, I would say that there are lots of things that we shouldn't know.
But to see the way these people are talking in the comments.. I get a bit embarrassed to admit strange stuff happens to me.
It's like they are all trying to out do their selves with "how special I am". I don't know, but to me that is pride, and pride is a flaw... a HUGE one.
More power to them, if that's what makes them happy, but today I am just posting this so others feeling like a giggle know where to find one :)

I should prolly say that I accept people for who they are and not laughing at THEM, just at the things they say and how much they have to learn :)

Paranormal TV ONLINE

Can you believe I have only just found this web site?! I know!! slack!!
I haven't watched a whole lot, but what I have, I am really impressed. It's just as good as any DVD or paid channel I have seen, and this is for free and online and on demand if wanted.

I think also that it would be good support! there is a little paypal button on the side. It's hard enough for web sites to keep running just on comments (if they get any) let alone when so much work is put into them. I think because there is so much out there nowdays that people don't care and don't support.
If you like something support it. haha ok that is my whine.. it sounds like it right?! :P hehe

Really though, this is a totally fantastic idea with some great shows.

Peoples TV Network

I wish there was some fancy banner that I could put here to show you just how cool this website is! :)