Thursday, December 10, 2009

Was the Norway Spiral to remind Obama about his promise of disclosure?

How to explain it? Maybe space aliens have infiltrated the Noble Peace Prize committee and are big fans of the president.

Outlandish? Perhaps, but don’t tell that to the Norwegians. News of Obama winning the award isn’t the only thing on their minds today. They’re talking about UFOs. Or one giant UFO. And the world is paying attention to it too.

YOU can read the rest of the story here:

Norway Spiral to welcome Obama

I still don't know what it is, but I tell you when I saw the news this morning that Norway was where Obama is and he was to receive the Nobel Peace prize.. I was like "WTF?"

I keep thinking to myself, that it was their way of saying "don't forget why you got this prize, stop postponing what you promised and make this your priority" lol stupid aren't I? :)

Come on people, all the sightings lately and just this one alone at this time... there is something there...

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Disclosure coming soon?

I Video from Bigsteelguys 's channel. I thought was pretty neat.

Spiralling light in Norway

A MYSTERIOUS giant spiral of light that dominated the sky over Norway this morning has stunned experts — who believe the space spectacle is an entirely new astral phenomenon.

Thousands of awe-struck Norwegians bombarded the Meteorological Institute to ask what the incredible light — that could be seen in the pre-dawn sky for hundreds of miles — could possibly be.

New Tv show coming - Demons

"If you haven’t had your vampire fill, BBC America has one more show to satisfy your appetite for blood! It’s a modern spin on the classic Dracula legend and it’s called Demons.

Here’s how BBC America describes it:"

You can go here to

Sounds neat! :)

Cow Mutilations

This is not a story for the feint of heart, actually I had to skip through a whole lot of detail and the pictures.
It is very interesting though!!

You can find it here:

Pretty yukky stuff!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Trying to Meditate

This is a little account of what I first started to try to meditate ( I haven't tried since!), back in April of this year.. thought it might give someone a giggle ;)

This is the view from where we used to live, it was like living in the heaven's and kinda suited my post for today :)

I have been trying to put time into my days to try and learn to meditate.
This is the biggest joke for anyone that knows me my mind just won't turn off.. oh yeah even when sleeping I am thinking about stuff, but having a notepad to write stuff down on has helped heaps.

So, as my usual self I do lots of research on the internet about "how to meditate" and everyone says different things... oh wow.. now I am regretting the time when I was at some new age fair that a little Indian lady would literally try and drag me in to the meditate class every time we walked past.. oh yes I mean grab my arm.
I suppose it is really annoying to write this way as I hate people that jump around on different tangents, but a quick reason why I would not go in is because I was afraid.

You see when I go to bed when I am really tired and actually relaxed, I close my eyes and I see things flying at me, different images, but too fast to work out what they are, I even hear voices sometimes, but when that happens I wake up and get the hell out of the room.
My husband laughs at me when I do this and I laugh it off too but it is scary...
So hence I did not want to go into that state on purpose in a room with all other people incase something did happen.

So I don't know what changed, other than the stupid numbers and things hounding me all the time, I guess sometimes something just changes and you think "I have to do this".. so I am trying...
I don't know what a meditative state should feel like so I am assuming that have not been in one.
I have been trying different things like concentrating on my breath, counting down with every exhale, and concentrating on an object or person, sometimes I get the butterfly's in my tummy like you do when you are very excited (you know the sexy excited) and a couple of times I have felt in that "just before dream" state which I get when I am tired, though I still can't slow the images down to see what they.

I thought I would start keeping a little record of things that I have experienced so when looked back on or read later might make a little sense.

For the first couple of times I kept getting the name Edna in my head, this was when I was asking if I could take to Mushka (my kitty) and also when I was asking the name of my guide...
Me, being me, is just putting it down to thinking what I want to think, but I do not know any Edna's though the name is sooooo familiar.
So I looked the meaning up in my little book, which I just felt I had to do; and it said:
Edna-Hebrew: 'ednah. "rejuvenation" One who knew the secret of renewal or transformation.
That's when I thought.. ooohh spooky! And maybe wondered if It was not just my imagination.. who knows...

Then last night I was seeing faces, but they were all like giants and I was tiny so I could only see small parts at once, but it was not sped up like all other things I usually see.
Just before I "woke up" I was standing at the base of one of these giants and they were wearing like a tunic of the softest woven cotton and it was blowing and touching my face...

It probably is all just imagination but at least it is here for prosperity, something to look back on if I ever get this meditating thing working.
I have noticed though that I have been getting headaches and stiffness in the base of my head and top of my spine, maybe I am sitting the wrong way or trying too hard...

Are you being haunted or do you have Sleep Paralysis ?

I am really excited to see this story as I have heard about it elsewhere and it totally makes sense.
I know I have expereineced this before and was so scared at the time, but it didn't feel the same as when I have had "other experiences", there was no sense of someone there... anyway enough of my rambling, go read the story! It is really food for thought! :)

Hannah Foster was lying in bed with her eyes open. She could see by the clock that it was 3am, but something was very wrong - she couldn’t move a muscle of her body. Even worse, she could sense something pressing down on her and she was struggling to breathe.

Consumed by panic, she tried to scream, but nothing happened.

It felt like a nightmare, but she knew that it wasn’t, because she was too alert and she recognised her green flowery duvet and the wooden floor of her room.

One woman's terrifying account of a sleep disorder that afflicts millions

Cloud over Moscow - UFO or Cloud?

This is a common one and most people would have seen it already as it was on just about every news channel, but just because it is so awesome looking I am going to post it anyway!

Close up of an orb, and actual formed face!!!

I just love Stanleys You Tube channel. He is another "real" guy. From Perth Australia and has the "bush" accent... he is great!! And has some pretty cool shit! Will post more from time to time. But in the meantime, if you are a regular You Tube user you can find him here:


Here is that awesome video of his!
haha ok bah I can't post it here... sorry!~
But please!! follow the link, I guarantee it will give you the shivers!!!

Soaring Shebeing

Students from Albany High School hunt for the paranormal

As part of his senior project, one Albany High School senior decided to investigate if any ghosts live in the high school.

Fredrick Thornton brought along classmates and teachers to stay at the high school overnight from 7:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. to see what they could discover.

You can read the story here:

Students hunt for paranormal activity

Room haunted at a North Idaho College ?

My dorm room is haunted. There is something in the dorm room I live in and I'm not the only one who thinks that. Call me crazy or call me creepy, but my roommate and I are not the only ones living in my dorm.

You can read more here...

Strange occurrences unnerve dorm students

Ghosts in the business of weight loss now?

I was trying to think of something funny to say, but the story s anything but! Poor lady.

Haunted woman loses 20kg in two weeks

KUALA KANGSAR, PERAK: A 37-year-old Chinese woman from Englor claimed that she has been haunted by a "female ghost".....

Paranormal Sate tour brings out lots of stories

Or so it seems from the story told here...
I wonder just how many people out there have "problems" and don't come forward..

You can read the story here:

'Paranormal State' host gets earful of ghost stories from local

Ghost at the former Roe Valley Hospital

Thought to be a nurse holding a baby
"The photo, taken by a night time LCDI security guard just a few months ago, has been deemed by experts as authentic and reignited examinations into the ghoulish goings on at the former workhouse."
You can read more here:

Another re-make? ...Dark shadows

This is what MTV Music's blog says...

Brad Pitt & another vampire movie?

even if he may only be producing it? ;)

A story of a haunting at the Hudsons in Shiawassee County

Sorry not much typing today, my "typing finger is very sore"


Local group hunts for ghosts

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Exciting news about Studley Park house

This gorgeous house lies in the middle of the Camden Golf Club, a little south of Sydney.
A few years ago my husband and I went for a drive up there to see this house; Not only because of the reported hauntings but also because of the building itself.. I am a sucker for stately old homes, even more so in their original self.. disrepair and all!
Anyway...we were told that it was no longer available to the public because of the run-down state, and it was so far into the golf course we couldn't even park outside to have a look.
Disappointed much?! ;)

So I was just looking around the net and remembered the beauty that it was and thought I might check in on it.

Paranormal Australia gives a good summation of the history and some pretty pictures of it.
Paranormal Australia

And now taking up where their story left off....
Since the purchase of the house by Camden Gold club....
  • 2006 Camden Council purchased the house from the Commonwealth
  • 2008 the house was sold to the Moran family
  • 2008 Peter Moran, being a member of the RROCA made it available to the foundation on a 20 year lease, for as they say it "peppercorn rent"
You can read more about the new owner's/ lessee's plans here.

I so very much hope that they open it up to the public also! I would most certainly pay to walk through that beautiful, beautiful home, let alone the revenue they could raise just for the ghost activity alone.
There was an Australian show called Scream test that didn't last long, however one of the places they used was Studley Park House... in the basement, and apparently picked up several things just in that one night.
Either way, I hope so much that they open it to the public, but even if they don't, it's nice to know that it will be looked after again, and not let rot into the ground :)

Here is a little story from a local newspaper :

VIDEO: Studley Park House featured in paranormal television series

Here is a thorough history of the home.

Ghostly sleepover in Sydney what your looking for?

I am just SO excited about this!
I have been on a tour before and had some experiences (which I will post soon), but to actually spend a whole night... neat!

The Q Station in Sydney is offering sleep overs in the isolation precinct!

You know you want to!
You can find more about it here:

Brings the meaning of "Live to work", to life.. or death..

A Flickr picture from Morgen1967 , which is part os a set he took of some abandoned factories in Cassopolis, Michigan.

You can't see it in this picture but if you click through to the original picture via the link, you can see something quite strange.
What I love about it is that he didn't go "ghost hunting", he was just trying to capture the .. well go see for yourself! :)

you can clock out, but you can never leave

FALSE - Dismissed 3 Men and a baby ghost

This is probably old news, but I will post it anyway. My friend told me about the "ghost" of 3 men and a baby: About how a boy was killed etc and that was his ghost.

WELL.... apparently, it was not even filmed in the building, it was a set in Canada and the "ghost was a cardboard cut out.
I am glad I hadn't seen it first, until I knew the proper story.. and boy! when you look at it it looks like nothing OTHER than cardboard hehe

You can read the full de-bunking of it here. SNOPES

Are Ghost bought on by stressful environments?

"Vaughan Bell from ScientificAmerican has an article about how it’s common for people, under bereavement, to experience a ghostly encounter. Only that these encounters are hallucinations brought on by stressful environments."
is what Javier Ortegaof Ghost Theroy writes.
He also only "partially agrees". I am with him on this!

He has written a blogpost about the story, from the scientific American about it.
I do not agree with this article at all, either.

I had two very strange experiences when my parents passed, and I did not even know they had, or were in hospital, or even sick!
So my experiences were not from a stressful environment, in fact, both I was at first listening to music, one at a party and one at home while houseworking.. singing along.
That is NOT a stressful environment! :)

You can find the blog post here:

After A Loved One Dies, Most People See Ghosts

What do you think?

Ghosts must be here for a purpose

This is the picture to the 2nd story in the link.
The spirit was trying to tell people about something!
Please follow through the link to read the story :)

Ghosts Lead to Bones