Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Ghost story

Ghosts can anyone help??? what is this?

Ok my parents home is not that old maybe built in 92 it is a modular in SC and is sorta out there we have two neighbors. My fiance and I are going to soon be renting the home in march the house has always had a weird feeling especially in my old room which will now be my step sons room.

It always felt like someone was watching you in the corner of the room late at night but not a bad vibe just an odd feeling of being watched. Lately my parents and 18 year old brother have all had experiences of seeing a 6 Foot shadows like man out the corner of their eye...

They say you feel someone watching you and when you look over it vanishes across the dining room real fast. I personally have never seen anything but have felt as if someone was watching from a distance. I do not think this presence is evil though... maybe curious? not sure.

Odd things have always happened in my family over the years and we have lived in many different houses. so i am wondering if we have something following us.... maybe?

Anyways my mom says she was at the computer the other night and she felt something looking at her and looked over and it quickly walked past the chair in the other living room like a shadow.. then she later heard a hissing sound twice... so she went to bed...

This is long and im sorry but just wondering what this could be a ghost? what sorta ghost only appears as a shadow? and why does it quickly vanish?? we also always have a ton of orbs in out home photos?? is that energy?? thanks for the answers :)

Someone did ask if anyone in our family had played the Ouija board and yes when i was younger we did messing around. Also we had this old abandoned house in my family my mom took some really old heirlooms out i dunno if this has anything to do with our haunting?
  • 10 hours ago
  • - 4 days left to answer.

Additional Details

yea i do watch that show.... but its just hard to believe when its happening to you.

10 hours ago

If you have answer please go HERE for your input :)

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