Friday, January 29, 2010

Physic Fair adventure pT2 Meditation

hehe I still believe in balance. That whatever everything is made up of there is always the same amount, which means to get something, something must be taken, like scales I guess.. just in short balance. That's my opinion anyway ;)

As I think I have written elsewhere on my blog, I can't stop thinking, can never shut my damm brain down and have been thinking of maybe getting a book to learn to meditate, don't like my chances but have to try ;)
So when we read on the program that there would be a "meditation session", we hung around to see what it was like, maybe teach me a few things practically, while you can learn anything from a book it's still nice and easier to see it first hand and ask questions.

So here we are sitting in a little seminar room with only about 10 other people (it was late in the afternoon and most everyone else had gone home). We sat right down the back against what my husband wanted, I said I wanted to be near there door for a speedy getaway of I had to hehe

In walks this portly happy faced man, he was upbeat and well just seemed like a happy man.
He asked if everyone had had a good day to which we all said yeah yes and mmm, he said it felt great all the positive energy etc in the place which we all agreed to again.

He then asks us who would like something new in their lives to which of course we all said yes, I assumed he just meant like a new interest etc. I mean who doesn't?
He then says that he was going to try something different this afternoon and would we all like to try it, he called it "Manifestation meditation", which I took to mean " well will mediate in a way that will let you see a guide or spirit",haha I was wrong, he then said, "who knows the difference between goals and desires", which was went through, which you all know anyway, and he asked us do we all have a desire, which of course I do, to create a happy and healthy home and life for my family and friends, to do what I feel is right and always be honest.
Well he meant a desire of a different kind, he said you all must want something.
And that is when the alarm bells went off, I put up my hand when he paused for breath but he seemed to be in a hurry now, I was going to argue with him about balance, yin and yang, about how you have to take from something to give to something else. and well hell it's just bad karma to want selfish things from the universe.
But I didn't, I sat there with my eyes open while he was going through this spiel with everyone, I think I must have had a look of total disgust on my face, he prolly had no idea why.

As we were waling out he was in front and I made sure to say loud enough for him to hear
though directed at my husband, things like "you didn't wish for anything selfish did you" and "you shouldn't have done it, you know that you can't give to something without taking from somewhere else" and "you know how I believe in balance and that you shouldn't....".

I feel bad now for making the guy feel self conscience as I believe that he had good intentions, he just wanted to "do something nice for everyone", and maybe had no idea how bad it is.
I mean the majority of people a brought up, not just by parents but the whole world we live in, to believe that the main goal in life to to amass as much money and material possessions as you can because that makes you a better person, and that greed is good.
I bet all these people also go to church and know the seven deadly sins by heart.
Anyway, I'll be stopping the preaching here because I guess I am just done trying to teach and I hate long posts.

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