Friday, January 29, 2010

Physic Fair adventure pT 1 Mediums

This is back from June 2008. A cross post from my old blog again.
I have to add that I believe that a whole lot of mediums are for real, but I also belive that there are even more that are not and also that "think" they are, but are really just extra observant or sensitive, but in actual fact do not talk to spirits.

Our Sunday this weekend we decided to spend the day at a physic fair, you know mind spirit and body type thing. We actually heard about it from a link I am on the mailing list to, a medium who I thought was really good.

I am a firm believer in spirits, but also understand that not everything you see is a spirit but more likely left over energy from a bad death, anyway in short for this purpose I believe.

I like to also believe there are people that can talk to the spirits, I know I have dreams of people past that seem so real, and all the things I see, hear and smell. Smell is a big one, you can usually smell something first, if you can't all you will see is a quick flint by, but what I don't get is sometimes they are shadows and sometimes like sparks... anyway I guess that will be another story so I can keep this one short.. somewhat anyway hehe

Ok, I have been wanting to go to more of these shows because I don't understand what whoever it is, is trying to tell me through all the funny numbers and stuff I see, so I am interested, and I figure that if they can't get through to me with the numbers if I go to these things one might be able to get through to the medium to me to let me know wtf is going on. So I like going to these things...
I have been looking for a time when my husband would be able to take me and checking out each and every show, and one thing I noticed was that this same group of mediums was always showing together, which I thought nothing of, you know, just a group of like minded people showing their gifts together.

So Sunday we were able to go, it was a great event lots of shows and information, stalls also it was entertaining. However I am really starting to wonder about if what they do is real, I know spirits, the soul is, but can they really talk to them?

Why I changed?... well it is my belief that the spirit or "soul" is just a tiny part of a huge conscience all interlinked together, each time we are put on a different plane or "earth" we are put there to learn things about ourselves and others and to "grow" spiritually so we can step to the next level.
Two of the different mediums there on Sunday said things to the effect that the spirits didn't know everything, whereas I thought from reading lots of "return from death experiences", that you are shown the mysteries of the universe, you have a universal knowledge, that what which you are to learn each time you are sent to earth or where ever is to do with spirit, not knowledge.
Of course they said that when they returned to their bodies that all that they knew was lost, so they can't bring it back with them, but either way it was there and these mediums were saying it's not.
So who to believe, people that have been there and have stories that are too alike to discount, all from different religious backgrounds and beliefs, or someone that can so easily speak to the spirits?
And here is the 2nd questioning for me, It was easier to notice in so many mediums and shows the same day, but the people that the mediums picked seemed to be the same people, just different rooms and different mediums. I mean we could put that down to that they were just bossy ghosts that didn't say all they had to the first time and wanted another shot, I mean who knows, just because I question dosen't mean I do not believe, but I do question.

I think I might have to go to a few more but take proper notes this time and really concentrate.

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