Thursday, December 17, 2009

Could coffee be the cause of late night "voices" ?

I found this blog entry "have a coffee - see ghosts".

I thought ok.. stimulation etc... then read in the comments section the author found follow up about it, which was not it helped people see ghost, more so that coffee drinkers are more likely to hear voices.

"‘High caffeine users’ – those who consumed more than the equivalent of seven cups of instant coffee a day - were three times more likely to have heard a person’s voice when there was no one there compared with ‘low caffeine users’ who consumed less than the equivalent of one cup of instant coffee a day."
You can follow through for the story by clicking on the text.

Now my little thought...I think the blogger stumbled onto the right track.
it's funny that most ghost experiences are late at night, and most people have a thing "to stay awake I must increase my intake of caffeine".. in other words they drink lots of coffee because they think it helps them stay awake.
Logically, being stimulated makes everything more intense, emotions, touch.. the whole thing.. would it not also maybe let your ears think they hear what your head is thinking someone is saying?
Just a thought... I am not discounting anything paranormal at all, I have had lots of experiences and I do not drink coffee or cola.. or caffeine.
Maybe we should put a caffeine ban on these ghost hunter shows and see if they still experience things? :)

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