Friday, April 1, 2011

Old Government House Sydney Australia

 This is going to be a text heavy post.

Old Government House in Sydney      is a beautiful old building with the "oldest in Australia" of quite a few things.
There are plenty of reasons to visit Old Government house, which you can click through to the website above. Just for the history should be enough! But the as the website describes the gorgeous house much better than I ever could, I will stick to the "paranormal" side of it, as my little blog suggests.

The Trust runs ghost tours on the 3rd Friday of every month. I have not been on one "yet" so can not give details. But if you are planning on going on a day tour simply to see if you can catch anything, let me say cameras etc are not allowed inside the house; But I can say the tour and history and feel are very worth it. To be taken back to times past is wonderful.

Warning:This is an account of my "feelings" and nothing more, there are no pictures etc to back it up. And no-one else there felt anything that was shown. It's just my silliness.

This is also a summation of only what I felt and the places involved, to experience the history, take the trip to see, it is beautiful!

Outside on front porch:
We were standing outside on the front porch, while a fantastic guide told us the history and specifics and I saw a shadow in the very first window looking to the left of the front door. I had no creepy feeling etc, so it could have been anything, but there was a shadow of something in the front drawing room window.

Drawing room
There were no real feelings in this room other than I couldn't get out of my head that the piano should be by the front of the room because " I can't read the music there"..(where it was in the back)
Like I said there were no "feelings" associated with this room, so it was probably just my head being silly.

As soon as we walked out into the hallway from the drawing room, it was like diving into the fog, I felt sick and dizzy etc like your underwater. As soon as we left there I was fine.

In here I just felt really really happy, like I wanted to laugh and giggle and have fun, I have no idea why as it was only a kitchen.. but just recording my feelings..

Colonnade or hallway:
We come back into the hallway where there was a painted blind and lots of plants, through a south door. Here I felt the worst of all the places, I felt sick, like I was underwater, off balance, I had to stop myself from crying, I just felt like crying really bad, and there was a pain in my left shoulder, and I was cold sweaty. This was a really strong place.

Breakfast Room
Here I felt underwater, but not sure if it was left over from the hallway, I did however see a bright flash of white light as I turned around to look at the door to the hallway being closed. Like the light was in the door and got shut out/in as it closed.?

The Store room:
The last place I felt anything was what is called the store room. It was a similar feeling to when we walked into the hallway straight out of the drawing room. It was the underwater feel, but not the sadness, a creepy like, scary feeling.. didn't like that room at all.

There was a little bedroom that was dark and creepy looking, but no feelings associated with it.
And as far as I could tell, no-one else in the large group we had, felt anything either, so it is safe and fun to go see.
It's a pity we could not take pictures, so I had some to back up what I was feeling, but I am still so happy we went, just to soak up the history of the place. Gorgeous!


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