Monday, January 4, 2010

Angels can't fly... fairies and dragons too!

LOl this guy must have been so bored! I mean this is a full 7 page paper on why these mythical beings can't fly.
If you believe in Angels, I don't think you are really going to worry if, by our laws here on earth, they can't fly... Shit! They are Angels... I am sure they can do many many things that we here on earth can't do.

Never the less, if the title of this blog post interested you, the paper written by By Professor Roger S. Wotton for the Opticon magazine is worth the read.
Click on the text expert to be taken to the paper and the source. :)

One of the myths is that of flying beings. Angels, putti, fairies and dragons are all shown as
having wings, an otherwise naturalistic form that we recognise readily. Yet, are they able to fly? If
not, why do we wish to suggest they have the same powers of flight as real flying animals?

ME? Well I am just going to keep believing because that it was the fun of make believe is. :).. or faith as some religious people would say.

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