There had been wind around all day, just a light breeze, nothing noteworthy.
However when we first stepped onto the stairs, into the scrub, this wind blew and it felt funny, then I looked around and all these like large white pollen or feathers or something started just blowing around me, it was beautiful.. there were thousands, I asked husband if he saw and he said he saw nothing, nor did it happen again for the half hour or so we were there.
I did catch a glimpse on camera, but doesn't do justice to what I saw, there were thousands.
What is also unusual about it is, there were so many, litteraly I thought to cover my mouth for a moment incase I inhaled some, but when it was over, I searched in my hair to show husband, and nothing, on my clothes, nothing. Being the size that they were you would have thought some would have been at least caught in my hair or clothes.
I can't even imagine what just happened here, but it was beautiful.
You can see a few top left, but there were thousands, I don't know why they didn't all show up. |
As you can see with the below pictures, there were only orbs, but one was bright green, I am going to go with a nature spirit because of the above pictures.
Can you see the green orb in the middle under the bridge,it has a light of it's own? |
Kind of a funny place it looks, but if you think about it, it could be close and have the appearance of distance. |
Hopefully will definitely be back!
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