This is a quick little story back from Dec 2008 cross posted from my old blog.
Obviously the picture has been photo shopped, it was just to give you an "idea" of what I saw :)

This morning I was sitting at my desk checking my zillion of blogs and my Little kitty girl came in and clawed the back of my chair, as she does, to get some attention.
She is a funny little girl, she wants to be loved but runs when you try and give it to her, yet if you can catch her she purs and purs.. it is like she is saying "no yes no yes yes" you know?
Anyway, as she always does, she ran to the doorway so I could not jump up and grab her, as I turned to look at her I saw this beautiful brilliant pink light around her, I do see these around people now and again, but have never seen in colours before.
So you know,being a Momma, your thoughts immediately turn to.. oh no is she sick? etc? So I googled it and what do you know?----
Pink - This is the color of love. It represents compassion, and possibly a love of art and beauty. Darker or muddier shades of pink may point to an individual who is immature.
Is just one, but they all said the same thing...
What a beautiful way to start the morning knowing for sure that my baby girl loves me :))))
So I have to say thank you to my beautiful little girl for showing me her "true light" and save me from wondering if I make a happy home for her :))
I hope that someones "true light" reveals itself to you today :)
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