There is a long prelude to the dream, but where it got cool was...
I was on a back porch talking to someone and saw something like the "weather anomaly"that was over Russia a few weeks ago, you know the one that looked like a funny cloud, only what I saw was much smaller and there was a whole lot more fluffing.
I asked the girl I was talking to, to run and get a camera, but then that "cloud", started forming shape, or something started coming out, that's when I started trying to get people in the house etc tape it with their I Phones etc.

I was scared, excited but mostly in awe,.... until there seemed to be all sorts of spaceships suddenly appearing in the air, flying about. They were all different shapes too!
There was one that looked like a big polygon or something, ( I didn't count how many sides but there was a lot) I guess the closest looking is the Dodecahedron, but with more panels, but still the flat top and sides, it was made out of like a flat, non shiny metal or glassy something.(Below)

There was one that looked kind of like a satellite, though the big solar panels were one big huge one that was curved, similar in shape to the Vorlon ship from Babylon 5, but the rear panels were just one huge panel and it looked in appearance to solar panels. And totally not this colour, it was plain and boring.
They all seemed to be coming towards where we were, at the house, then one was right over us and there were things being thrown up in the air just in the back yard, like a trail, but you could see nothing other than like a air deviation, you know when it's really hot and you see the air "swirling", then all of a sudden I heard in my head.. I can't remember exactly, but it was similar to be don't be afraid, but not. But I wasn't scared from it. And then he appeared in front of us.
He was wearing a uniform and looked like a halfling, well short and stocky, not a dwarf and he looked in proportion.
I can't remember all the words he said, but he has the most wonderful smile. I remember he said he was a Romularian, Rom... I can't remember but something that sounded like that.. and no, not Romulan.. but it was something similar, because I remember how much it sounded like Romulan,but I know it wasn't, because it had more syllables.
He went to shake hands, but I leant in and hugged him (which is something that I don't usually do), his skin was very cold and kind of damp?
I remember asking about all the other races out there, and just before I woke up I remember another guy coming up to us, but he was really tall, really thin, in body, but also gait. It's hard to explain but it was as if a normal person had been stretched out, you know like bubble gum, they get longer but get thinner, even his head was very thin... anyway he had a real presence, he was like wearing this big, hard, golden collar that covered his chin as well, and there was no movement anywhere else in his body, it was like he was just there... at the time I was thinking like the demeanour of a Nobel person, but thinking about it now, my head is saying that he was affected by our gravity? Who knows?
That's about all I can remember, except the things which made me a little upset when I had to wake woke up from the dream was... the feeling of pure love, just pure happiness, even though I was scared...
LOL kind of crazy huh? and it seemed so real.. I just had to write it down :))
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