Anthony Wright has an article on Mex- Connect about this mine.
The Dos Estrellas (Two Stars) mine has had a long and checkered history. It was a fabled producer of gold and silver in a region that was the early stomping ground of the man whose touch in the 18th century turned everything to, if not gold, silver — Jose de la Borda.
One boy paid a visit to the bathroom across from our rooms. He entered and closed the door. When he tried to leave, the door would not open.Don Gustavo, who drove over from Tlalpujahua with a set of keys for every room in the complex, including a skeleton key — and none of them opened that door. Finally, five or six spirited kicks brought the door down. It was the only way to get the kid out.These are only excerpt's from Anthony's experience, it was cool to read. And you just have to visit the link above to view the pictures taken. Even in daylight it is creepy.
The mine has a sad past. The way it was mined led to the buying of 1/2 the city, with over 500 mine workers. I can see why many spirits would gather there... if that was what killed them.
Here is the story:
In Tlalpujahua Michoacan, and El Oro, Estado de Mexico, was established early last century mining company 2 stars.Source : Tlalpujahua, the day half the town was buried
This mine had the most modern technological advances with the times to extract gold and silver of the great vein that had been found. To obtain a gold bar is necessary to remove tons of earth. . The chemical process was very slow. But then we discovered a new procedure where the land was placed in a sort of pool of water and cyanide to the gold and silver rise quickly to the water surface. With this new method could be processed much faster all the tons of soil were extracted from the mine.The mine produced much gold, which means that many tons of earth extracted from the mine, which is mixed with water and cyanide. The gold went through the port of Veracruz to Inglaterrra ... And the mud? . That was "small technical error." These strips were accumulating in an area of 18 hectares, up from a cliff above the town.
Can you imagine what happened?
On 27 May 1937, the dam that held those slats broke and a mudslide collapsed. A hill helped through the mud on the left side outside the town, burying half. They were picked asleep because it happened at about 5:30 Madru.
Here is seen as the altar was buried, and stands only a portion of the image of Our Lady of Mt. This miraculous image would be carried to their new sanctuary on the other side of town.
A person already large, which makes guiding in the ruins, told us he was fourteen when the tragedy happened. The earth has only been taking a shovel and wheelbarrow, for many years to show where the ground was before, and you can see the mosaics covering the floor of the sanctuary.
This person told us that did not grow anything in the area until authorities recently tepetate put a layer on top, and the grass was born. How was I to grow something, if you were lands with cyanide?.
There was a reality show on MTV called Fear, I had only heard of this show as I started to google the mine.
They sent in "teams" of people who signed up for the show, to do various tasks ("dares"), and I am guessing, the last man standing wins.
Well apparently, from what I read, this was the only location to have every member of the first"team" quit.
There is a part two, to this location as they had to bring in a new one.
This is part 3 out of 5 videos on You Tube. I chose this one just because of something significant happening. The whole show is still worth watching and can be viewed in parts by clicking on the bottom left hand corner and starting at the beginning ie: 1/5.
The people really believe things are happening and are hearing all sorts of strange noises etc... if you listen to what they are saying and have a little imagination.. woah!
That would lead you to believe that maybe all these goings on a rigged, or set up. Well unless this person is lying, which does not sound like it, this is the response in answer to similar questions.
We dont rig anything. We use props, but thats it.I don't know about you but that is enough to say to me that it is all real.
the producers have the cast members agree to participate in these dares with the understanding that there may be some safety issues which may arise during their FEAR adventure. The production team has done everything humanly possible to ensure the safety of their cast and crew, but, as you well know, sometimes there are unforeseen circumstances beyond the control of anyone occupying this 3rd dimension.... this is rare, but, indeed DOES OCCUR ! The producers would then quickly address any mishap or unearthly occurrence in the best way possible. Believe me, they are professionals in their own right, and would ALWAYS do the right thin
We are not anywhere near the location, its an important part of the show for the cast to be isolated. However, they are able to contact us by walkie-talkie or computer if someone needs medical attention. We do have medical professionals standing by.
Now let's get down to this part of the episode I have posted.
Other than the scary things the guy said he was hearing, we know the computer playing up and the lights going out was not set up;
From other research, we know that for a spirit to manifest it needs power ( this I have experienced first hand), therefore we think.. why would the power be drained? what happened?
Well, you have to be quick, but as soon as the lights go out you can see a shadow move across the front of her camera.. I read about it and had to watch it like 7 times to see it, but there is something because just for that split second it all goes black from right to left.
If you still can't see it just listen to all the noises that are happening there... remembering that nothing is set up or rigged.
This is part 3 of 5 from the second team that tackled this location.
This is the last part I am posting as I want to watch the rest when my husband gets home.
There are so many notes of interest throughout the video. Most are noted on the the video, like the doors slamming shut and both camera malfunctioning .. not to mention the stories of what the contestants heard whilst in their dares.
Also at 2.14 there is like a child's voice or something in the background.. evp?
Anyway, that is about as much time as I am spending on this story today, but I am sure as shit that I Will be watching the rest of the episodes later, knowing that the things that happen are not set up.
The story told to the contestants apparently is, but whatever happens... is not.
The location itself, I know it is rich with history, and people like to preserve these things, but with such an awful history, I am more under the idea that it should be made into maybe a memorial or something.
Over and out :)
1 comment:
Unreadable. Please hire a translator.
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